to Apr 29


The body allows infinitude and boundless capacity and physical presence in this world. But it needs to be taken care of and could be a burden. Based on one’s means, one gets a larger seat, bed, house, and etc. Chun’s minimum required body space in different postures will be transformed into sculptural blocks depicting her physical presence with weight and volume. These blocks will displayed by gradual order of crouching, sitting, standing, and etc.

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to Dec 18


Fabulous is a group exhibition featuring the incredible talent and wide-ranging interests of SHIFT Gallery’s member artists. Big and small; two-dimensional, sculptural and process-based; figurative and abstract; the works showcased run the gamut and are just as diverse as the group of artists that make up the cooperative. The gallery’s grounding concept of a monthly shift in style, approach and content is collapsed here for a single exhibition that includes an amalgamation of ideas, stories and media. The result is, well, fabulous, and truly highlights the range in artistic interest and talent that SHIFT showcases throughout the year.

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Liminal Space
to Oct 2

Liminal Space

There is no clear boundary between light and dark.

There is no present, only the past and future exist. Even at the moment you are reading this, time is passing by.

Therefore, we are always living in a liminal space.

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Uncertainty Principle
to Feb 27

Uncertainty Principle

Sung I Chun, Stephanie Krimmel, Peggy Murphy, and Sue Springer explore aspects of unpredictability, uncertainty, and unease issues made particularly pertinent through these months of isolation. In their group show, The Uncertainty Principle, painting, digital media, installation, and mixed media are used to speak the personal as well as existential challenges of the unknown and unknowable.

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